Learn how to get more clients: Discover ways to make more money without working so much.
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Get feedback: Whether you're posting on social media or writing newsletters, let's make sure you're talking to the people who will buy.
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Get Referrals & Clients: Connect with people who could become great clients or refer others to you.
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Set Better Boundaries: No more saying yes to a project only to roll your eyes later and ask yourself why "the fuckkk" did I say yes?!
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Make More Money: Feel confident about what to charge, understand how much you're earning, and know when it’s time to hire.
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* It's okay if you can't make all the calls. You have unlimited access. Calls are held Tuesdays at 430p ET.
What Clients Are Saying...
"I felt confident in my ability to help others. I worked through the fears telling me that I wasn't qualified enough to be a coach, that no one would want to buy anything from me, and that I didn't have what it took to run a business. Now, two years later, I have passed $150K in revenue in my business and grew my Instagram following to 100K! Clearly my confidence has continued growing, and much of it was due to working with Katie at the beginning of being a business owner."
"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."
"Eveniet quam natus et commodi minus consequuntur enim iure magnam nam fugit voluptas."
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All prices in USD